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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2011-03-17


  对于报有这样想法并付诸实践的学生, 在4级评审级别的签证要求里,对语言长度有明确的限制,总长度不超过40周; 在3级评审级别的签证要求里,总长度不超过60周。



  Under assessment level 4, the student can study a total of 40 weeks of English, this is the total of all English courses undertaken. Therefore, if the student has already undertaken 20 weeks of English, then they are only eligible to study English for another 20 weeks before they reach the total of 40 weeks.

  I have accessed this information for you from the following :573.234

  If the applicant is subject to assessment level 3, 4 or 5, the aggregate of the period, or periods, of ELICOS that the applicant is seeking to undertake, together with the period, or periods, of any previous ELICOS undertaken as the holder of a Subclass 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575 or 576 visa, or any subsequent bridging visa, does not exceed:

  (a) for an applicant who is subject to assessment level 3 — 60 weeks;


  (b) for an applicant who is subject to assessment level 4 or 5 — 40weeks.

