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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-11-10


我在国内电信公司工作了将近8年,因为是大学一毕业就进入这家公司,历史相当清白,移民申请很快就申请下来了。我在3月份登陆,安顿完毕就开始了我漫漫找工历程。其实我的专业,经验和英语都是无可挑剔的,但就是没有看到合适的职位,简历迟迟发不出去。后来是听一个朋友说悉尼的SkillMax课程非常实用,借着试试看的想法就去Burwood AMES报名了。经过8个星期的培训果真发现这个课程对于新来的移民非常好,让你认识到不同文化之间的差异,澳洲的文化习俗,虽然我以前也在美国工作过一段时间自认为对西方人很了解但还是从这个课程学到了很多关于Culture的知识。SkillMax最重要的是你会学到很多找工技巧,从怎样写简历,cover letter, 面试技巧等等,其间也认识了不少好朋友(怎么感觉像是在给SkillMax作广告似的,其实这个课程是NSW政府资助的免费教程,刚登陆的筒子们想在找工方面得到快速的提升我极力建议你去上SkillMax)有几个老师是非常优秀,我受益匪浅!


A公司是我到澳洲之前就有联系的,而且加上有一个原来的同事在这家公司,内部消息比较灵通。面试也是进行得不错但后来因为财年终结这个职位被Hold on了,比较可惜。但后来又听说要恢复招聘了,要是我还没有拿到B和C公司的offer的话我肯定还在那里等着这个职位的。

B公司的面试时间周期最长,其实这家的职位广告我早在5月份就在Seek上看到了,因为是与我的背景有些偏离又加上这是家非常著名的跨国公司,心想肯定有很多人在竞争这个职位,很长一段时间我都犹豫要不要试一下。但后来没有发现很多电信行业的工作机会,试一试这个也无妨!投完简历将近过了一个半月突然接到B公司HR的电话说你星期三来面试吧,心想其间肯定面试了N多的人,我能行吗?心中甚是忐忑不安。总共进行了两次面试,每一次都是轮番战术,总共有10个不同的人轮番对你的方方面面进行评估,terrible!(他们可够有时间的)最重要的是临危不乱,问题一个一个攻破(我会在后面总结面试问题),保持高度的自信但不是over confident。刚刚收到他们的回复说已经准备给我发offer了。要不是先收到C公司的offer我也有可能会接受这个职位,这家其实是包括我在内的很多人梦寐以求的公司,咳,与我无缘!

C公司是全球知名的电信运营商也是我久久等待的最佳公司,发了简历一个星期就收到回复说先进行电话面试,太好了,看来是很着急吗!电话面试进行的很成功,到最后雇主说再进一步作face to face interview,看来有戏!结果第二天接到HR的电话说我们准备给你发offer了,这么快!!!!后来听那个面试我的manager说的我是第一个被面试的就被录用了,you are very lucky!!! 一下子觉得身边的一切那么的美好,连悉尼的天空也更蓝了。

不要看我现在蛮高兴的其实其间我也好一段时间很沮丧,还好有家人朋友的关心和鼓励,特别感谢我的老公长期的包容和鼓励。(大家不要confused, 这个账户是我和我老公共用的所以有时候你会看到不同的男女口吻)

以下是个人的几点总结, 专业知识的准备我就不再说了,其次以下方面也同样重要

- Cover letter/Resume,这是你的敲门砖,很多移民都是highly skilled但不知道怎样展现自己,相对而言这正是澳洲人关注和擅长的。不要着急,等我慢慢在后面分享我的一些心得。

- Prepare mostly asked interview questions/answers,我会在后面附上我碰到的一些问题

- There is no exactly matching position for you, there are a lot of skills and experience are listed in AD but some are not that much critical, try to find out which skills are most important (through agency if you have) so if you are matching most of them please go ahead and try.

- Good Communication, try every way to improve your English communication skill, the more you practice the more you will be.

- Confidence is extremely important, always have confidence in yourself, you are just looking for some perfect opportunities for you, there must be one coming sooner or later。
写简历时记住这是Achievement oriented的文档,要把最重要的技能和经历展现在第一页,仅扣职位公告上提到的selection criteria, 可以用粗体突出职位广告中提到的技能与经历,突出你有别于别人的特点,and show something different from others, like your unique skills, experience and interests etc. 尽量用bulleted form简单明了,用积极主动的词汇少用被动语态("I achieved an award" instead of "I got an award")。

Resume checklist
learned from skillMax

1. Information/Contect
- Readability
information easily found
key information on the first page
simple words

- Relevance to jobs being applied for
previous company job tilte match

2. Structure
- Format
length (less than 4 pages)
capital letters
use of bullet points

- Sequence of information
work experience usually start with the most recent jobs

- Choice of information
includes only information relevant for the job
gives specific details
avoid irrelevant information(such as photos)

3. Language
- Sentence structure
short sentences
no personal pronouns (I, he/she)

- Vacabulary
appropriate heading
positive, professional choice of nouns and action verbs
appropriate up to date technical language
no obscure abbreviations

4. Grammar and spelling
no grammatical and spelling error, ever

Resume template
resume templete.rar (4.77 KB) resume templete.rar (4.77 KB)
Resume template

以下是我在面试当中碰到的技术问题之外的general, behaviourable questions:

- Tell me something about yourself
- Tell me the reason you terminate your last job
- I see you haven’t worked in Australia before?
- How do you know about our product xxx?
- Behaviourable question: If you are new in this area and only person in the office, one customer is reporting a very general error when he is doing operation on our product, what will you do?
- Scenario: Person A is assigned to mentor your work, one day A is on sick leave and you go to B for help but B is saying it is not his job and saying he is very busy has no time, what would you do?
- Are you flexible to work on shift work?
- Tell me one example when you have to listen carefully in your previous job
- Tell me one example of your excellent customer service
- Tell me one example when you were not satisfied with your performance in your previous job
- Tell me one example in your previous job showing your innovative idea
- Tell me in your previous job which needs your most energy
- Have you interfaced with international contact/customers, give me some examples how
面试必须要准备的问题,建议可以把重点(keyword)用bulleted form写出来,例如:
- education
- experience
- technical
- personal qualities (communication skill, interpersonal skill etc)
- interests
保证你有一俩个与别人不一样的特质(interests, experience, working history etc)让面试的人记住你

#2: Tell me the reason you terminate your last job
这个问题比较简单,对于大多数的人来说是因为喜欢这里才决定移民到澳洲,可以说enjoy the beautiful weather hereand plenty of sunshine so that I can go out for outdoor activities everyweekend, I like it very much and decided to immigrate to Australia. 一般谈到户外活动都能够引起共鸣,可以缓和一下气氛。

#3: I see you haven’t worked in Australia before?
不要只是说that’s right, 每个问题都有一些hidden meaning & concern, 你的回答要打消他们的这种疑虑,因为他们不了解你曾经在中国的工作环境,比较concern你能不能融入他们的working environment,可以说-

That’s right. however I have -
univeral technical knowledge
international contacts
international working environment
good working relationship with colleagues and international contacts

简单用一两句话说明问题(Problem),重点放在Action, what action you took,三四句,然后是一句Result,整个控制在1~2分钟之内避免不要太长。

对于其他情景类的面试问题也是一样,例如:If customer is not happy what will you do? 对于类似的问题考虑你有没有碰到过类似的情形,把虚拟的场景转换成过去时来叙述(I met similar problem in my previous job, one day ....),接着follow P -> A -> R model来阐述。

#6 Are you flexible to work on shift time?
回答肯定是YES, 但是仅仅YES不够,面试的人希望听到你在以前的工作当中是怎样flexible的,列举一些你这方面的例子。有几个personal quality的例子一定要在面试之前准备好,如communication skill, interpersonal skill, flexibility, problem solving(if technical person),每一个人都会说自己有很好的communication skill,give real example to show them。事实胜过雄辩!

