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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-11-02






  Energy Secretary and NobelistSteven Chu to speak at Commencement

  Nobel laureate in physics will be the principal speaker atAfternoon Exercises

  U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Nobel laureate in physics and aleader in the pursuit of alternative and renewable sources ofenergy, will be Harvard’s principal speaker at the AfternoonExercises of Harvard’s 358th Commencement on June 4.

  An eminent scientist whose work at thecrossroads of physics and biology has now brought him to prominenceon the national and international policy stage, Chu was unanimouslyconfirmed by the U.S. Senate in January to serve as the nation’s12th secretary of energy.

  “Steven Chu is a brilliant scientistand an eloquent exponent of thoughtful, creative approaches tomeeting the challenge of global climate change,” said HarvardPresident Drew Faust. “His own career combines leadership at theforefront of both disciplinary and interdisciplinary science with apassionate devotion to education and to the public good. It will bea pleasure to welcome and hear from him on Commencement day.”

  A past professor at Stanford and thenthe University of California, Berkeley, Chu was co-recipient of theNobel Prize in physics in 1997 for his role in developing methodsto cool and trap atoms with laser light. From 2004 to 2008 he ledthe Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, one of the nation’spre-eminent scientific institutions, directing its intensifiedfocus on energy and the environment.

  “How to use science and public policyto confront the environmental consequences of energy use is amatter of enormous interest and importance to Harvard as auniversity, and to our alumni as citizens concerned about thefuture of the planet,” said Walter H. Morris Jr., president of theHarvard Alumni Association (HAA). “Steven Chu stands front andcenter in the nation’s effort to rise to that challenge, and I’mvery pleased he has agreed to join us for Commencement.”

  As is traditional at Harvard, Chu willspeak during Commencement day’s Afternoon Exercises, which serve asthe annual meeting for the Harvard Alumni Association and duringwhich the HAA welcomes newly graduated students to its ranks. Theexercises will take place in the Tercentenary Theatre of HarvardYard, between the Memorial Church and Widener Library.

  Early in his tenure as energysecretary, Chu has identified among his major goals the intentionto reduce dependence on fossil fuels, to use energy in the mostefficient ways possible, and to lower carbon emissions.

  As director of the Lawrence BerkeleyNational Laboratory, Chu guided its growing focus on the search foralternative and renewable sources of energy, aiming to extend thelab’s leadership efforts in climate science, the search for newfuels, and the development of energy-efficient technologies. Heemerged as a champion of bringing together investigators from thelife sciences, the physical sciences, and engineering to work onbiofuels, solar energy, new battery technologies, and otherinnovations.

  A native of St. Louis, Chu attended theUniversity of Rochester, graduating in 1970, and received his Ph.D.from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1976. He spent hisearly scientific career at AT&T Bell Laboratories,where he did the principal work later recognized with a NobelPrize.

  He served from 1987 to 2004 as aprofessor of physics and applied physics at Stanford, where hetwice chaired the Physics Department and helped launch theinterdisciplinary initiative Bio-X. He joined the University ofCalifornia faculty in 2004, when he became director of the BerkeleyLab, serving concurrently as professor of physics and of molecularand cell biology.

  His own research has ranged acrossimportant areas of atomic physics, biophysics, and polymer physics.In recent years, he has increasingly turned his attention to howinsights and discoveries in physics and biology can be applied toproblems of energy and the environment.

  Chu’s numerous honors, in addition tothe Nobel Prize, include the American Physical Society’s ArthurSchawlow Prize for Laser Science, the Alexander von HumboldtFoundation’s Senior Scientist Award, and membership in the NationalAcademy of Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, theChinese Academy of Sciences, Academia Sinica, and the KoreanAcademy of Sciences and Technology.

  The invitation to Chu comes at a timewhen Harvard has stepped up its efforts to address issues relatingto energy and the environment, both in its programs of research andeducation and in promoting sustainable practices on campus.

  For more about Harvard’s sustainabilityefforts, .



