http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-10-19
For many high school students in the United States, junior year is a descent into the 9 levels of academic hell.It is a period of frayed nerves, standardized tests, advanced placement classes, personal statements, and last ditch extracurricular activities.It is all part of the dreaded process of applying to that distant beacon of freedom and security: college.
Every year, US News and World Report publishes rankings of the top institutions of higher education in the nation.Prestigious names like Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, and Yale usually top the list.For ambitious students, the mere mention of these names is liable to cause anxiety attacks and stress.Everybody wants in to a prestigious college.A degree from a top university is often associated with better jobs, higher salaries, and guaranteed security for the future.Although the association doesn’t necessarily hold true in all cases, it is still an idea that is deeply ingrained in the minds of many Americans.
Recent trends, however, may prevent even many qualified students from attending their dream schools.The number of college applicants in recent years has been booming and competition for spots to the nation’s top schools has become increasingly stiff.Factoring in the number of foreign students applying to US schools only makes the ideal college prospects of many applicants seem pretty far-fetched.
So, what does it take to get into a great college these days?Here is a basic run-through of the process.
What’s it take?
Colleges look for mature, well-rounded students.As such, students are expected to go beyond academic achievement to find opportunities to demonstrate leadership, practice activism, and show involvement in the community.Students with compelling interests who take steps to pursue and develop those interests tend to be in good standing with the colleges.
In the Classroom
Academic achievement is a key element in an applicant’s evaluation.In many ways, it is the most standard benchmark.Colleges look for intellectually mature students who have demonstrated that they can excel under the rigors of undergraduate education.
The GPA, or grade point average, is the standard measurement of a student’s classroom performance.Grades in the US are based on an ABCDF scale, A being the best and F the worst.These grades get translated into a numerical value called the GPA.The GPA is measured on a scale of 0-4. 4.0 has traditionally been the highest GPA possible, although the advent of AP classes has changed that scale.AP classes, or advanced placement classes, are college courses that students can take at the high school level.They tend to be more challenging and often have course prerequisites.Grades earned in AP classes weigh more heavily into the GPA scale, pushing the highest possible GPA up to 5.0.Therefore, students with AP classes who perform well can surpass the traditional 4.0 GPA limit.