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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-09-16


  2004至2005年汉弗莱奖学金项目申请截至日期为2003年8月15日。如果您想更进一步了解汉弗莱奖学金项目,或下载所附的申请表,请访问美国大使馆的网站,网址是www.usembassy-china.org.cn (点击新闻文化处,然后点击文化与教育交流 项目下的胡伯特·汉弗莱奖学金项目)。如果要获得更多信息,请按以下地址联系:






  电话:(010) 6532-1161,分机:7134

  传真:(010) 6532-2213




  Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program

  The Embassy of the United States in China is currently seeking candidates for the 2004-5 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program. The Humphrey Program brings accomplished professionals from developing countries to the U.S. at a mid-point in their careers for a year of study and related practical experience. Fellowships are granted competitively to public and private sector candidates who demonstrate leadership and a commitment to public service. The Humphrey Fellowship Program was initiated in 1978 to honor the memory and accomplishments of the late Senator and Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey. Since 1978, over 2,600 Fellows from over 120 countries around the world have participated in the Humphrey program, including over 60 from China. Approximately 150 Fellowships are awarded each year worldwide.

  Program Description

  The Humphrey Program is not designed to lead to an academic degree. Rather, Humphrey Fellows undertake a one-year program of graduate-level academic study and professional development activities directly related to their professional needs and fields of interest. Humphrey Fellows are placed in theme-based clusters of approximately ten persons at U.S. universities. In recent years, host campuses have included: American University, Boston University, Cornell University, Emory University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland, University of Minnesota, Pennsylvania State University, Rutgers University, and University of Washington. Following their academic study program, Humphrey Fellows also have the opportunity for a professional development internship of at least six weeks with local, state, national and international organizations. All Fellows also participate in a one-week workshop in Washington, D.C.

  Program Administration

  The Humphrey Fellowship program is sponsored by the United States Department of State and administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE) in consultation with a national advisory committee composed of representatives from business, education and government. The presidentially appointed J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board in the United States has overall responsibility for the final selection of Humphrey Fellows. Humphrey Fellowships provide for international travel and travel within the U.S. as required, tuition and fees, books, a monthly maintenance stipend, and limited funds for professional development activities such as attendance at conferences, field trips and professional affiliations. In China, the U.S. Embassy is pleased to have Northwest Airlines as a cosponsor of the Humphrey Program. Northwest Airlines generously provides international air tickets for Humphrey Fellows.


  Qualified candidates:

  · Are mid-career professionals in leadership positions with a commitment to public service in either the public or private sectors in the following fields:

  o Rule of Law and Human Rights

  o Finance and banking

  o Public policy analysis and public administration

  o Urban and regional planning

  o Natural resources and environmental management

  o Public health policy and management

  o Communications/Journalism

  o Drug abuse prevention/education/treatment

  · Hold positions involving policy, managerial or administrative responsibilities rather than research or technical responsibilities

  · Demonstrate leadership qualities

  · Have been employed in China for at least five years at the management or policy level, with substantive professional experience and upward career mobility

  · Are between 30 and 50 years of age

  · Hold at least an undergraduate degree (requiring at least four years of full-time study)

  · Are fluent in English (a TOEFL score of 525 or higher is required)

  Candidates who are women, members of ethnic minority groups, or from lesser developed regions of China are encouraged to apply.

  The following persons are NOT eligible:

  · Faculty members with no management responsibilities

  · Persons who attended graduate school in the U.S. for more than one year in the past seven years

  · Individuals with other recent U.S. experience (more than six months in the past five years)

  · Recent college graduates with less than five years work experience

  · Persons in primarily technical, academic, or research positions, except in the field of drug abuse prevention

  Application Procedures

  The application process is in two steps. Interested applicants who meet the criteria as outlined above should submit the attached application form to the U.S. Embassy at the address given below by August 15, 2003. Based on an initial review of these applications, the U.S. Embassy will invite those candidates deemed most highly qualified to submit a formal application and appear for an interview in Beijing in late September. Candidates who pass the interview process will be nominated to Washington D.C., where the final selections are made. Selections are very competitive. Last year, only five Fellowships were awarded to Chinese out of the 123 applications received.

  Further Information

  For further information about the Humphrey Fellowship program or to download a copy of the application form, please visit the U.S. Embassy web site at www.usembassy-china.org.cn (click on Press, Culture and Education, then on Humphrey Fellowships under the Cultural Section).

  Please mail completed applications to, and for additional information please contact:

  Mr. Hong Binwen (洪 斌 文),

  Senior Cultural Specialist

  Public Affairs Section

  U.S. Embassy

  17 Guanghua Road, Beijing 100600

  Tel: (010) 6532-1161, ext. 7134

  Fax: (010) 6532-2213

  Email: hbwbei@pd.state.gov

