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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-08-05

其它地 区人的要递也可以,但可能处理会延期,因为签证官在批准之前需要向你的居住国的使馆咨询相关信息,如:文件或一些他不了解的或有疑问的情况,这些都是导致 延期的原因,另外如果需要面试的话,他们不能为你前往面试国的签证提供任何保证或担保。所以如果想递国外的话,除非你满足以上条件,否则可能比在北京、香港更长或无法面试导致申请失败。

Please be advised that all applicants for permanent residence should submit their applications to the visa office responsible for the country where they have been lawfully admitted for one year, or their country of nationality. 
Citizens of the People's Republic of China residing in the PRC, can apply in Beijing or Hong Kong
If you are of Chinese nationality and submit your application to a visa office other than Beijing or Hong Kong, and are required to attend an interview, you must travel to the location where your application was submitted.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada cannot assist in obtaining visas to third countries for the purpose of attending an interview. 
Only under special circumstances will a request to transfer a file be granted.

