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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-06-09



  何:Goodmorning sir,I hope you are not too tired.Here are my documents.


  何:I have never been abroad.

  签证官:How long have you been in Guang zhou?

  何:Al most 12 years.

  签证官:Why did you come to Guangzhou?

  何:Well,because my father works here.When I was 8,I moved to Guangzhou with myfamily.

  签证官:So you are going to attend University of Chicago?


  签证官:Tell me the schools you applied?

  何:Harvard,University of Chicago,Middlebury College……(被打断)

  签证官:Which schools admitted you?

  何:University of Chicago,Middlebury College……(被打断)

  签证官:Why you choose University of Chicago?

  何:University of Chicago has great academic reputation and also I would like to double major in Economics and Psychology.University of Chicago has the No.1 EconomicsDept. and an excellent PsychologyDept.

  签证官:Why you want to double major in Economics and Psychology?

  何:I would like to be a psychological counselor in the future,so I need to have a strong background in Psychology.With Economics,I think it would help me to understand the business world the society in general.University of Chicago is a lovely place to study these 2 subjects.

  签证官:Why you want to be a psychological counselor?

  何:My past research work with a professor from City University of HongKong wasreally interested to me and I love to help people to solve mentalproblems.

  签证官:Why not be psychological counselors in the US?

  何:Hamm,I am not sure whether you know this,in the America,you have to get a PhD insgroupsto precisepsychological counseling or at least 5 years professional training.But here,we don't have this kind of requirement.

  签证官:Why will you come back to China?

  何:China is developing very rapidly and people have more and mnore need for psychological counseling due to increasing pressure. I think it's a promising field and I would like to be a psychological councilor in China.

  签证官:What else the reason?

  何:I have lived in China since I was born,so I can be more in touch with the Chinese way of thinking.I feel more comfortable to work with those people who can really understand me.

  签证官:What else the reason?

  何:My family is here and my father is a successful business man.My family canalways gave me emotional and financial support and their social connection can help me a lot here too.

  签证官:What else the reason?

  何:Well,I think it is a good way to putmy knowledgesintosgood use and it is also a good way to give back to my community.

  签证官:What else the reason?

  何:I don't want to be at school for so long,and I would like to start to be useful as soon as possible,and here wouldbe the only place for me……(被打断)

