http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-06-03
先是把那天的形式讲讲,f-1的人很少,只看到一个:master,已经转战几地了,一上去就听vo说’so many times’,’beijing’,虽然耗时较长但还是过了。签过的人比我想象的多,常常看签经已经非常受得了打击了,作好了签不过的打算,在windowA交资料的时候,窗内的工作人员一看到f-1就问准备签几次,我回答一次,又问准备签出还是签不出,答签不出,惊讶”那为什么还来呀“,吾曰完成任务来了,于是就把138号递给我”去完成你的任务吧“(引起一片笑声)。
me:morning, sir.
vo:hi, why go to USA?
me:my company wants me to
vo:your company?
me:yes. my professor introduce me to the company, they want one or two students go there for studying. so i signed the contract with them. they will pay the half, and i must work for them for five years.(把合同递给他,翻了一下,没看)
vo: so what’s your aspect in your master’s (interrupted by me)
me:no. i’m studying for my bachelor’s degree. coz they thought bachelor’s is enough for the job. you know masters always ask for higher salary.
vo:you will need four years?
me:no. much shorter. actually i’m studying in xxx for two years, and the school there admit my credits here. so i need only two years.(奇怪的是没问我要学校的证明)
vo: (nods) so what about the other costs? you wrote ’family and company’.
(on the DS-156)
me:yes. i think it’s not a big money for my family.(把我的存款证明给他)
vo: (suprised) really? what do your parents do?
me: well, my mother was a business woman during the beginning of chinese opening.
vo: your english is not good, (point at the I-20)it said you have to take a special course.
me: to tell you the trueth, my toefl score is xxx. i only need three point to meet with the needed score. so my school promised me that i don’t need to take it, if i can take the toefl test one more time and got a better one.
vo:so i don’t think your english is enough for your study in US, so this time balabala... i won’t balabala...
me:would you please write down the titles, so i can prepare it for the next time.(以为要拒我了,但当时真的没有急,很平稳的语气)
转身就跑,把资料都撒了。拣起来后,急忙转身‘thank you. have a nice day.’当我向在坐的同志们,作了ok的手势后,羡慕的、惊讶的……(在我之前相当长的时间里没有一个签出)。
要特别感谢使馆外排在我后面的blackman(B)帮我找回了自信(B:hi, how are you? Me:fine, but a bit nervous. B:oh, why do you want to go into. you don’t have to go. Me: Why? B:coz you don’t have confidence. you don’t believe youself. you must believe in youself. Me:yes, thank you.) 对话后我一点也不紧张了,而且事先也让我的口语热了热身,心里更塌实了。还有在住宿时碰到的同乡,不知你一切是否顺利。
前辈们的签经help me a lot, 所以事先就想无论签出与否,都要把经过告诉大家,希望能有所帮助。