加成首页 >> 留学服务首页 >> 留学美国 >> 美国签证指南(二级菜单签证指南) >> 5月14日广州F1签证(MBA半奖)


http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-06-03

1. DS-156的英文版也最好将中文电码填上。一大早排在使馆门口时大妈们告诉的, 还指了贴在墙上的模版。

2. 跨区签证没有明确的时间限制。我是今年一月才到深圳工作的,虽然工作证明开的是去年12月,但至今也只有五个月。看到BBS上要求的六个月,真实有些担心。但事实上VO问了到此多久,俺据实回答,没有异议。

3. 通过的签证面谈分两段进行。先是一通对话,接着被告知去旁边候者待传。然后再叫去继续面谈,最后撕下黄色卡片。俺的感觉是如果给过,不会立即撕东西,今天碰到的还有一个F1亦是如此。而要拒了或是CHECK,则会马上撕东西。俺前后各被拒,再后一个CHECK。

4. 去广州签证,一大早的话建议打车去。可能由于非典,清早打的可以讲价,又快又便宜。俺从东圃朋友住处达到使馆门口,仅用20多分钟,才40元。物超所值。

5. 一些资料不全的签友也要有信心,完全可能VO不会看。我的TOEFL,户口都没拿原件,自己的存款证明也没有,但告诉VO自己付剩下的钱。决不是建议大家资料准备不全,而是强调这些可能只是VO有兴趣或怀疑时才会看的。


1. 对于MBA签证,着状确实很重要,职业化套装,配以淡色口红足以。听从前人高见,今天穿了打买了就没穿过的黑色短袖长裤套装,借了朋友的无色唇彩。使馆排队时,意外的看到了老外,后聊才知是个美国人,陪商业伙伴陪签。他对我很有信心签过,理由之一是穿着正式,并指着另一个穿浅蓝职业短裙化较浓装(其实在大街上一点不过分)的年轻女子说,他一准不过,穿的象是去美国找男友。

2. 自己的实力最重要,但对问题的充分准备也可力挽狂澜。实力包括你的专业连贯性,外在气质,工作经验,社会地位等。VO对你的第一感觉很重要,问问题,看支持性材料只是象征性的。对于实力差些的签友,问题的充分准备至关重要。今天碰到的另一个F1,实力就差些,华东师范快毕业,全自费去读教育的MASTER。VO问了很多刁难的问题,甚至说如果不给签怎么办。她口语不错,准备充分,吧啦吧啦,什么接着作一名教师,继续寻求出国机会等,竟然没最后给拒。她是四号窗,大个子胡子吧。

3. 问题准备还是老套的基本问题,108,25,50已是足够。听力足够好,25问就可以了。VO男性居多,今天清一色,语速较快,熟悉问题108很有帮助。


Me: good morning! Nice to meet you!
VO: nice to meet you! And how are you!
Me: fine, thanks and you?
VO: what will you do in USA?
Me: study MBA in Tulane university.
VO: why do you want to study MBA?
Me: because I want to improve myself, and broaden my vision…….
VO: have you been nations outside your country
Me: never. It is the first time for me.
VO: what is your plan after graduation?
Me: I want to come back to be consultant in ……
VO: who will pay for the expense?
Me: Tulane gave me scholarship and I will pay for the remaining.
VO: what is the remaining amount?
Me: about XXX USD.
VO: who will pay for it? (ask again)
Me: I will pay for it, since I have worked for five years and now is …….
VO: what proof do you have?
Me: here is the job certificate from HR manager. (it is really worthwhile for me to trouble much to get the job and income salary)
VO: XXX is your father? (browse other pages in the files I handled for job certificate)
Me: yeah.
VO: what’s his job?
Me: a government officer in bureau of …..
VO: ……I will call you later…..
Me: thank you…..

Waiting….after two people behind me finished interview……my name is called….

VO: why do you want to study in USA?
Me: As we all know, the first rank b-schools are all in America, and Chinese universities are not good at business, especially MBA….in fact, they only established MBA program in recent years……..
VO: before Shenzhen, you have been worked in Beijing?
Me: right.
VO: have you marriage?
Me: no…..but my boyfriend…..
VO: he is now in Shenzhen?
Me: yeah
VO: he also in your company?
Me: no, he is …. In another company.
VO: so you came Shenzhen?
Me: it is one of the reasons why I came here.
VO: you born in Sichuan? (seeing my passport)
Me: yeah, but my hometown is Shanxi.
VO: when did you go to Beijing?
Me: in 1994, I entered university in Beijing.
VO: what will you do when graduation? (ask again)
Me: come back to be a …. To reunite with my parents…..
VO: do you want to accept……( picking the yellow card)
Me: yeah…(get it and so happy that still waiting something, and forgot leave)
VO: good luck….
Me: Thanks….(leave)





