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http://www.canachieve.com.cn 发布日期:2009-06-01

2.1 I am about to give birth in Australia. Will the new Act affect the status of my child? 我快要在澳洲生孩子了,新法案会影响我孩子的国籍吗?

Children born in Australia with at least one (1) parent who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident will continue to automatically acquire Australian citizenship at birth.


2.2 Adoption 领养

The Bill contains no changes to the acquisition of citizenship for children adopted in Australia.


3.Descent 血缘

The age and time limitations for registration of citizenship by descent will be removed. The only requirements that will apply to a person applying to become an Australian citizen by descent will be that:


at least one (1) of their parents was an Australian citizen at the time of the person’s birth
the person is of good character, if 18 years or over.
There will be no change to the requirement that if a parent of the person acquired Australian citizenship by descent, that parent must have spent a total of two (2) years in Australia as a lawful resident at any time before the person makes the application.


People born overseas before 26 January 1949 to a person who became an Australian citizen on 26 January 1949 will also be able to apply to become an Australian citizen by descent. The only requirement will be that they are of good character.


3.1 I am 30 years of age. My parents were Australian citizens when I was born. I was born overseas. Will I be able to apply for Australian citizenship by descent?


Yes. The only requirement will be that you are of good character.


3.2 Do I need to be in Australia to apply for citizenship by descent?


No. You can contact your closest Australian Embassy.


4.Australian citizenship by Adoption in accordance with the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption 


Children adopted overseas to Australian citizens under full and permanent Hague Convention Intercountry Adoption arrangements may be registered as Australian citizens.

The eligibility requirements are:


the adoption of the person must have been finalised outside Australia in accordance with the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption
at least one of the adoptive parents must be an Australian citizen
the legal relationship between the applicant and the birth parents must have been terminated
an adoption compliance certificate must have been issued
the adoption must be recognised by the Commonwealth and/or States or Territories

if the person is aged 18 years or over, the person must be of good character at the time of the decision on the application.  
Although an applicant may be aged 18 years or over, the applicant’s adoption must have been agreed to by the adoption authorities of Australia and the other Convention country before the person turns 18.


If the applicant’s Australian citizen parent was an Australian citizen by descent, the applicant’s parent must have resided in Australia for a period of two years before the application is made.


An adoption compliance certificate is evidence that a ’full and permanent adoption’ has occurred under the Hague Convention and the legal relationship between the adopted child and the birth parents has been severed.


5. Conferral


This section contains an overview of the new changes to Australian citizenship legislation.


Terminology has been changed in the new Act from the ’grant of citizenship’ to ’citizenship by conferral’.


Michaeliang曰:有没有高手讲讲这两个词之间的区别?——我只知道Granted land 和 Allocated land之间的区别^_^

5.1 Residence requirements


The new residence requirements for Australian citizenship will mean that applicants will need: 

absences from Australia of no more than 12 months in total in the four (4) years prior to application, and no more than three (3) months in the 12 month permanent residency period prior to application.
5.2 Spouses


Spouse provisions


Spouses will need to meet the same criteria as other adult applicants for conferral of citizenship.


However, there will be an exception from part or all of the residence requirement for Australian permanent resident spouses, if the spouse is able to demonstrate a close and continuing association with Australia during that time. For example, if the spouse is not in Australia on account of the work of their Australian citizen spouse. Where this exemption is applied, approval may also be given to citizenship applicants who are outside Australia.



If you are the legally married spouse, widow or widower of an Australian citizen, the usual residence requirements may be waived.


It is the policy that this waiver usually only applies if you have been a permanent resident in Australia continuously for the 12 months immediately prior to your application, and you can show that you would suffer significant hardship or disadvantages if you were not granted citizenship.


It is policy that significant hardship or disadvantage is usually shown if: 1)you have been refused employment solely on the grounds that the employment is restricted only to Australian citizens, and other employment is not available; or 2) you would be excluded from travelling internationally because you cannot obtain a passport or travel document; or 3) you would not be able to represent, or be selected to represent, Australia in a national representative team solely on the basis that you were not an Australian citizen.



The definition of ’spouse’ will also include a de facto spouse where the applicant became a permanent resident as the de facto spouse of their current partner.


I am the spouse of an Australian citizen? What does the new Act mean for me?


The new Act requires that spouses of Australian citizens meet the same criteria as other adult applicants for citizenship. This reflects current policy.


However, a discretion is being introduced to waive part or all of the residence requirements for the spouse of an Australian citizen who can demonstrate a close connection with Australia. Associated with this new discretion, a new provision enables the approval of such applications where the spouse is outside Australia.


In addition, the definition of spouse will include a de-facto spouse where the spouse entered Australia as the de facto spouse of the Australian citizen.


Michaeliang曰,好像跟上面一段又有点出入了,刚才讲的是“where the applicant became a permanent resident as the de facto spouse of their current partner(如果申请人是作为他(她)们目前同居伙伴的事实配偶而取得永久居留权的话)”。——不过这条规定和我们中国人关系不大^_^

5.3 Children孩子

Children of former citizens


Eligibility for citizenship by conferral will be extended to persons born outside Australian to a parent who ceased to be an Australian citizen under section 17 of the Australian Citizenship Act 1948. The person must be of good character.


I was a former citizen who lost my citizenship under section 17 of the old Act. I gave birth to my child when I was no longer a citizen. Does the new Act provide for my child?


Yes. There are many former Australian citizens, who like you only learnt of the loss of their Australian citizenship when they attempted to register their children as Australian citizens by descent or sought to renew their Australian passport. 上一页

And like you, many Australians overseas were not aware of section 17. As you would now be aware, section 17 was an operation of law provision under which people lost their Australian citizenship if they ’did any act or thing the sole or dominant purpose of which and the effect of which was to acquire the citizenship of another country’.


Your child will be eligible for citizenship provided they are of good character if over 18 years of age.


I was a former citizen who renounced my Australian citizenship, so that I could retain another citizenship. After I renounced I gave birth to my child. Does the new Act provide for my child?


No. Unlike many people who lost their citizenship under the operation of law section 17 provision, people who renounced their Australian citizenship knew that they had ceased to be Australian citizens.


They could have had no reasonable expectation of access to Australian citizenship for children born after they had renounced their Australian citizenship.


5.4 People born in Papua prior to Independence


Eligibility for citizenship by conferral will be extended to persons born in Papua before 16 September 1975 to a parent who was born in Australia as we now know it and who was an Australian citizen at the time of the person’s birth. The person must be of good character.


5.5 Age raised for English Proficiency Exemption


The age at which adult applicants for Australian citizenship are exempt from the requirement to have a basic knowledge of English will be raised to 60 years.


